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Petal tears #01 Petal tears #01 / 2022 / Digital art / Opensea / By the time Mebbit arrived in the town where the war had ended, the season was already early winter. Petals were flying in the sky as if to bless the victory of the war. From the episode "A girl shedding petal tears" 메빗이 전쟁을 끝낸 마을에 도착했을 때, 계절은 이미 초겨울이었다. 하늘에는 전쟁의 승리를 축복하듯 꽃잎들이 흩날리고 있었다. 에피소드 "꽃잎을 흘리는 소녀" 중에서 🔗 OPENSEA 더보기
Asteroid P-1618 #04 Asteroid P-1618 #04 / 2022 / Digital art / Opensea / One day, Mebbit succeeded in riding the waves high enough to cover the sky. Mebbit was satisfied and happy. "Ah, can I be happier than this?" Lying on the surfboard, I enjoy the feeling of happiness. The sky was filled with stars. Then I realized that I missed something. From the episode "Asteroid P-1618" 어느 날. 메빗은 하늘을 가릴 만큼 높은 파도를 타는 것에 성공했다... 더보기
Asteroid P-1618 #03 Asteroid P-1618 #03 / 2022 / Digital art / Opensea / Mebbit was happy every day. He no longer seemed to be worried or troubled. On the day of the big waves, Mebbit ran hard towards the waves to ride them. It seems to be a goal in life. "Wow! It's a wave, I have to ride it." From the episode "Asteroid P-1618" 메빗은 가슴이 벅차오르는 듯 하루하루가 행복했다. 그는 더 이상 걱정이나 문제가 있어 보이지 않았다. 큰 파도가 치는 날 메빛은 파도를 타기 위해 열심히 파도.. 더보기
Asteroid P-1618 #02 Asteroid P-1618 #02 / 2022 / Digital art / Opensea / Mebbit enjoyed every day on the asteroid 'P-1618'. Mebbit enjoyed a break by surfing and drinking starlight juice on the beach. “This is paradise! This place is perfect!” From the episode "Asteroid P-1618" 메빗은 소행성 'P-1618'에서 매일 즐거웠다. 메빗은 서핑하고, 바닷가에서 별빛 주스를 마시며 휴식을 즐겼다. “여긴 정말 파라다이스야! 이곳은 완벽해!” 소행성 P-1618" 에피소드 중에서 🔗 OPENSEA 더보기
Asteroid P-1618 #01 Asteroid P-1618 #01 / 2022 / Digital art / Opensea / Mebbit arrived at the asteroid P-1618 called Paradise. While drinking juice made of ‘starlight’, He lie on the beach and look at the sea. The wind blew, and it felt good. Soon Mebbit fell asleep. The energy of the ‘starlight’ filled the Mebbit. From the episode "Asteroid P-1618" 파라다이스라고 불리는 소행성 P-1618에 도착한 메빗. '별빛'으로 만든 주스를 마시며, 바닷가에 누워 바다를 바라.. 더보기
Mebbit's Home #01 Mebbit's home #01 / 2022 / Digital art / Opensea / “Where is your happiness?” This is the beginning and the end of this story. Mebbit wanted to be happy. So he goes on a trip. Finally, he returned home looking for a golden four-leaf clover. When Mebbit saw the house from afar, the sun was setting. When Mebbit could see his mother from the window of his house, stars began to appear in the sky. Ma.. 더보기